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the books

After spending too much time being sick and without many answers... these were the books I wish I had forty years ago. Unfortunately, these books couldn't be found because they had not yet been written. Twenty years later, while almost dying from chemical exposure, I would search once again for these books to no avail. Then in 2012, I had an epiphany... I was the one to write these books.


I was very blessed to have recovered from my toxic chemical exposure in 2005. It took tenacity and determination to get well without the help of conventional medicine. Due to my chemical intolerance I was forced to take a different path back to wellness. In these books you will learn how I overcame severe chemical intolerance and was able to live life again, happy and pain free without the use of prescription drugs or modern medicine.


Below you will find links to each of my books. Alive with Tomorrow's Medicine: How I Live a Happy, Healthy, Pain Free Life with Chemical Intolerance, Environmental Illness, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity which chronicles my journey back to wellness and discusses the problems we face as a society being drenched in benzene. It also discusses in detail the different sources of relief I have  found which are discussed on this website; such as Quantum Biofeedback, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, BioGenesis, and the Quantumwave Laser. 


My second book, Staying Alive in the Benzene nation will cover living a chemical free lifestyle and will be available summer of 2019.

Alive with
Tomorrow's Medicine

Available in Kindle and Paperback

Exclusively on Amazon

Audaciously Alive

Coming 2025!

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Take the Journey to Wellness...

on the Road Less Traveled.

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